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This document provides an overview of the ai_text_completion function in Databend and demonstrates how to generate text completions using this function.

The main code implementation can be found here.


Databend relies on OpenAI for AI_TEXT_COMPLETION and sends the completion prompt data to OpenAI.

They will only work when the Databend configuration includes the openai_api_key, otherwise they will be inactive.

This function is available by default on Databend Cloud using our self OpenAI key. If you use them, you acknowledge that your table schema will be sent to OpenAI by us.

Overview of ai_text_completion

The ai_text_completion function in Databend is a built-in function that generates text completions based on a given prompt. It is useful for natural language processing tasks, such as question answering, text generation, and autocompletion systems.

The function takes a text prompt as input and returns a generated completion for the prompt. The completions are created using pre-trained models on large text corpora, capturing the relationships between words and phrases in a continuous space.

Generating text completions using ai_text_completion

Here is a simple example using the ai_text_completion function in Databend to generate a text completion:

SELECT ai_text_completion('What is artificial intelligence?') AS completion;


| completion |
| Artificial intelligence (AI) is the field of study focused on creating machines and software capable of thinking, learning, and solving problems in a way that mimics human intelligence. This includes areas such as machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics. |

In this example, we provide the prompt "What is artificial intelligence?" to the ai_text_completion function, and it returns a generated completion that briefly describes artificial intelligence.